At one month

It’s hard to believe but I’ve been a mommy for 5 weeks now. Our little girl turned a month old last Sunday!

I am completely loving motherhood so far. This little girl is so precious. That word comes to mind so often in thinking of her that I think it will be an appropriate blog name for her. So, here is a picture of our Precious:


We are truly lucky to have her in our family.

I was thinking about ways to describe our first month, and how we are adjusting to life as a new family. I’ve been using an app (Feed Baby Pro) to track a lot of her days, and its been helpful in identifying patterns and learning what to expect. So I decided to share our first month in numbers:

Daily hours of sleep: 13
Daily hours of feeding: 5
Daily feeds: 22
Oz of breastmilk pumped: 40
Bottles fed: 9
Oz of formula fed: 0
Diapers changed: ~300
Pounds gained: 4

And a bit about what we’ve been doing:

Times Precious and I left the apartment together: 5
Total times I left the apartment: 8
Dr visits: 2
Walks with stroller: 0 (too cold and she was too small for bunting)
Car rides: 2 (to visit her grandma and back)
Dinners out with baby in wrap: 2
Classes/support groups attended: 2 (breastfeeding and babywearing)
Times breastfed in public: 1
Extended family met: 4
Visits from friends: 3
Friends met: 5 adults and 3 children

I’d add the number of cries and exhausted nights and tired days and smiles and laughs and warm fuzzies and general cute moments, but I haven’t been able to count those!